Sunday, July 8, 2007

Why Does Bile Cause Stomach Ulcers

The tour comes to an end

Now we are back in Germany for a week, has relatives and friends attended and have one or other presentation of this trip behind us, still does lack a final conclusion that complete this online journal will, then with a total of forty contributions.
The last week in Asia, we still spent in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand. There we visited, as usual, the various religious buildings and the historical museum of the city. We were able to eavesdrop on monks to prayer and to shoot some impressive pictures. Less impressive, however, was the zoo in the city as the first to complete chaos and run down, only able to convince the white tiger. The evenings were also ambiguous, so we dined the first day at a fantastic Italian, and on the last night with Charles. That was despite his nice present (The DVD of the film "The Lives of Others"), quite obnoxious. He babbles on forever trivial issues brought badly pointed jokes and was asleep almost the speeches. However, he also paid for the drinks and we were at least as long with him that it was polite. Since the entire city seemed to be a big market, we then strolled through the streets and bought a few accessories. Then it went
then by train to Bangkok, through the entire night. These beds were folded up and the compartment in a intimate, moving hostel transformed. Very pleasant travel at that the torture chairs the buses, is clearly preferable. In Bangkok, we did almost nothing, we knew that already featured and would not have to spend oodles of money, so we contented ourselves on a shopping visit to the Siam Square, the shopping mecca of Bangkok. We saw again the odious traffic in the capital, in which we needed for a four-kilometer route, after 1 ½ hours and then gave us and continue on foot punched through.
And then it was already in effect as far as it went in the plane. First seven hours after Doha, capital of Qatar, the same airline, that travel was running but very relaxed. So there was a separate screen for each passenger, with tons of recent films, TV shows, computer games and music, in at least four languages. To this end, the food was okay and the beer is free and so can have seven hours to go very fast times over. The airport in the small country was against it but rather ugly, and the smokers prisons violate human rights, yet we survived and our stay there. Then it was unfortunately a bit outdated machine to Berlin, another six ½ hours. However, that went round more than furious, as the anticipation grew for the family to the vast and then it was time, as we finally had our backpacks, the welcome of our parents. Those were even armed with a shield and shipped to us once in a restaurant for breakfast together before we were separated for the first time in ten months a day.
And now ask me for a week everyone what I have learned from such an experience? I can certainly say that this year I made more humane, that it has increased our cultural understanding and this kind of travel was an incredibly great things simple. Linguistically, we have tremendously improved, we have met countless people, but above all we were first asked us to truly free and alone. What was
Now the most beautiful? It is impossible to answer, there were so many unique experiences ... the swim with the Manta Rays, the sunset at Uluru, the pythons in the jungle, the birthday celebrations in Canberra, the temples of Angkor, or just the everyday with the then-functioning patches ... It was fantastic and we mean both that everyone should get the chance to live abroad to travel and work, this should be also used.
I hope you enjoyed by the journal also some joy in this journey. It remains to do in any case continue to plan for all the people online that something like that and get an experience to know (as we did also, thanks to Susie) and simply many questions and then see here can see how easy it still is. If anything should interest you directly, you can also email us at: or

Thanks again to all readers and commentators, which were essential for this diary.
Matthi & Robi

Museum in Chiang Mai


white tiger

night train

interesting poster


group picture

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Santa Barbara, Ca Brazilian Laser Hair

on the backs of the giant

After we had thoroughly recovered from the first bus ride, so Sukhothai was before us. The city itself was in principle not look like much, but it had the largest temple complex in the country, the historical park of the city. Those we explored with a hired tuk-tuk driver who took us through the huge complex. We saw a total of about a dozen temples, or rather what is left of them, which were embedded in well-kept lawns and ponds. Most temples were of a very classical structure, but some were also built in the style of Angkor, as his empire until handed to Thailand. In direct comparison against Sukhothai Angkor is certainly a chance, not even the largest temple of the plant could a similar feeling as the sites of Angkor to convey. Nevertheless made the tour fun, too, as there was to discover some nice details. So were many temples decorated with over thirty elephant sculptures, and another only by a fairly steep staircase of stone was reached. Moreover, there was much to admire huge stone sculptures, whose splendor by the decline was even stronger. The only annoying thing was that on the same day countless Thai school classes were on the premises, in a pink uniform look, almost like a cute, small Telekom strike. In any event, watched the little brats are in something like this as if we had just landed from outer space. This and the oppressive heat made us look then at some point the distance, back to the safety guesthouse. In the evening I still wanted to look over the internet, but this proved extremely problematic. The internet cafe where I wanted to go, explained to me anyway, that the Internet would be available temporarily, but not by technical problems but the fact that the son of the owner wanted to gamble undisturbed. After some heated debate, they suddenly understood no more English and I had to find something else. So I asked in a Video rental for an alternative, but the pleasant staff knew just the word Internet itself. Nevertheless, they asked me to help me kindly. Since my rough directions to Thai unfortunately nothing at all said I was promptly shipped off to the scooter of the owner and drove across the city. To my surprise, we were then actually in front of another Internet cafe, which was useable. Unfortunately I then had no idea where I actually stuck and had to take a taxi to find home.
This is just one of many examples that prove that the population here is very warm, if sometimes rather clumsy. Otherwise, it was rather
little to see and so we decided to break up very soon. It was then by bus directly to Chiang Mai, the capital of the north. Since we are in Chiang Mai, however, wanted to temporarily stay only one night, we had only very brief impressions of the city. In any case, it seems, despite its size, somehow familiar, what was perhaps through the tiny streets. In those we were after all dine Italian very well, before it even on the onward journey was and so we have not been given any of the countless temples and shrines to get the city to face despite the fact that they just should have as many as the world metropolis of Bangkok . Then it went at least according to Pai, which was located only 130 kilometers north still slapped with a bus trip of more than four hours to book. The streets ran throughout the serpentine format and the countless mountains go away easily. Pai himself, was then located in a wonderfully idyllic valley, almost like Swiss resorts in the summer and as green as Matthis strange polo shirt. If you drive as far to the north comes from, or will one of the neighboring countries translated, or enjoy the beautiful nature here. So you can swim in waterfalls, hike through the woods, river rafting or how we ride elephants. In that so many travelers are on the road, Pai has for the low population of 3,000, also a very active live music and Night Life scene. Doing so one mass meeting people from all over the world. We listened as a group of Israelis psychedelic rock, or looked on as a Canadian flew with her scooter in front of our eyes in the face. We also learned from a Mexican, burritos that come from the U.S. and by an Englishman, the 1860 (!) Munich five years ago played Champions League. On the third day it was then but so far that we could climb on the backs of the largest land mammals on the planet with them and spent half a day. First of all we were allowed to feed the huge beasts, of which the largest of four meters were determined before the was rising. This worked Optional size of elephants, on the trunk or the fact that the elephant was a stage with his front leg and it pulled up his ear. Since we had gotten the biggest, it was also getting to not so easy to top, but that we have mastered the time being. Then began the ride for 1 ½ hours through the jungle, the three elephants, five tourists and three guides were single lock. Our elephant was once straight through a thorn bush, which is pretty ugly if you can not escape. Then he would also no longer move, the guide to what brought his pike to use. This "weapon" he hammered at full Force with the tip on the side without an elephant's head, so that a person would certainly have been unconscious. After that spurts the poor animal was still on some of these bats, or alternatively, the pointed end in the ear or head down inside, until blood flowed. Of course the animals do not respond to a light stroking, but it has certainly not run, we also saw clearly that the animals did not wanted to run. Then we rode through the jungle, which was full with these giant spiders, it certainly did in Australia in memory, so you really had to do just that, not to come into some nasty network or to fall from the elephants. We had a seat that is not, what is more animal-friendly indeed, but lacks any comfort. Our elephant had a huge spine, and I know nobody likes to sit on the edge, also had his bristles also very painful. This was the jungle ride a hell ride that one would have to save. Then it was another 1 ½ hours in the river where we had fortunately not sit. There was simply romped with the elephant, they did get wet, they threw one, then one into the water or they rode rodeo. Also had to clear the guides drive the animals, but they seemed to like more than to ride. At some point we had had enough and splashing as a guide was nearly crushed, we could not believe the whole thing not anyway. Then you could for fifteen € buy ridiculous DVDs with a ten minute video clip and one hundred blurry photos of the trip, fortunately we were able to get some pictures of other tourists for free. When we asked how the organizers on the treatment of the animals thought they told us that the animals had been previously used to transport construction material, which is now banned, and they therefore have no perspective. This we doubt very much and also the argument that they need the money work for food ridiculous. Anyway, we do not recommend any Thai / Asian tourists from such a ride, because in Cruelty to animals is our eyes and just a shame. Equally shameful was the way the Blue Restaurant, "which in the strong negative contrast, was the otherwise often very good, other pubs in Pai. Not only is there remarkable things were available on the card, like Pizza Como-Angola or fillet Safari with original Safarisoße (what should be), but also amusing spelling mistakes that made a Cordon Bleu Gordon Blue and more of Gin remembered. No, the real audacity was that the salami on my pizza Como Angola tasted of rotten fish and I after eating a piece about asking to get something else. But I got the kind information that I like to pay for the entire (!) Pizza, nor could choose something else if I would still want. I think it chops offer only rotten food and then not even the courage to make good the mistake. When I mentioned in the statement that I will only take my beer, there were of course ordinary Trouble. After they saw well that it was only fair that I did not pay, they decided wegzuekeln and featured just over our table light. Well, a tip had adopted it and also our opinion, Thai service Währe bad, it's horrible. Have a nice weekend.

Sukhothai impressions a

Sukhothai two impressions

our attempt

original in the Lonely Planet

stone elephants

real elephant


Friday, June 15, 2007

Msts Pacific Surfliner Route Cd

On Mekong

After the experience of the Kobra village, we wanted the last week, but rather quiet. So it went up in this most northern northeastern Thailand, to Nong Khai directly to the Lao border, and more importantly still, the impressive Mekong River. Once there came to us in a cute little guest house, which quite a few years on his back and had it sprayed its charm. Just like our sugar-sweet service, whose smile was not to resist. The place itself is absolutely ugly and dirty but otherwise in particular. In the evening played out there, the same spectacle as in many other Thai cities from even the stray dogs and the seemingly awakened cockroaches armies make the streets unsafe and somehow sinister. Nevertheless, the place was a sight that has even made it to the highlights of the Lonely Planets, the Sculpture Park was built over twenty years, he is now a more impressive collection of Buddhist scenes in some of gigantic size. So we took a tuk-tuk and started to explore the park. We discovered countless Buddhas, the largest of which was about 25 meters high and was topped by a giant multi-headed snake. In addition, many of the smaller statues were good for a chuckle, such as two embracing skeletons. The ridiculous 10 baht entrance had been invested in any case very true. However, the heat made us an hour to create pretty, so we decided to flee to better-conditioned rooms. But right on the park exit, these great clothes shops, where all the clothes with only one hit euros. When I had stocked up enough, it was finally back. In the evening we went as usual to eat, but now something has to be said. So well yes, the Thai cuisine may be in part, so gruesome, however, is the service. Here are some examples: We order two Cokes and to move instead of the two bottles on our table, they will be placed on the next table and a waiter, in its discretion, refilled. It is not, however, as we thought, so topped that everyone gets a bottle, no, there is simply where the first to drank his glass, the rest purely tilted and the other gets nothing at all! Or then there are waiters, the wait is not only pushing ten minutes next to the table until you choose has, but also those who remember anything, exchange Beverage, glasses, plates and real food and then we start to click with pen drive you crazy. Besides this main dishes are sometimes served with distinction twenty minutes of each other, which paralyzes all communication at the table, because one is always busy loop to be either cold or boiling hot food down fast. Besides, we now have calculation errors and such jokes, making the dinner to the real torment, because if you took some twenty minutes to explain to the taxi driver where you want to go, you have usually little desire that the same procedure still times carried out with false invoices. Anyway, other countries, different customs ... stood next on our to-do list going to be a ride on the largest Southeast Asian river, the Mekong. We then made a one-hour sunset tour, which could not have been more romantic. The Mekong is indeed dirty, but we were rewarded with stunning images and have the certainty of at least thirty seconds in Laos to be the contact of the boat. Here we arranged to meet with three Canadians for the evening, the Matthi spoke with the disarming statement: "Qu'est-que vous voudrais faire aujourd'hui?"
Instead of a nice evening to have the three went to bed at ten, however, what we should not interfere, however, we had long ago started with a Swiss woman and her daughter charmed a conversation. As the little girl was only five but had the two at some point away and so it was that we met Charles. Charles is a native of Ami, but lives for ages in Thailand. With him, we discussed not only Günter Grass confessed to the Waffen SS, but also the installation of the Jewish state and what else you may tell if you drank too much Mekong (the whiskey, not someone think we would have on the river passed). Eventually we gave to Charles, that in his guest house could stay in Chiang Mai and we still want to go there anyway, we are already looking forward to seeing our friend almost seventy years (estimate). The next day we also still in non Khai and could make even a few young elephants that ran through the streets. Then we went back by bus to Khon Kaen, where we learned that our bus got on to the next destination, only towards the Clock Night evening. Suboptimal, because we still had to pay a full night in a hotel, even though we checked out at 19:00 clock, there is not only to put the full price, only the less useful for us Bum-Bum deal, in which a room for There can be two hours, for whatever. Then then were seven hours by bus on the program. Since Thai buses usually have no free space left and you can fold the seats back was infinite, the ride less comfortable. However, one got a little lunch box, with a mini bag of chips, a bottle of water and disgusting Pappwaffeln, net value: three to four pence.
In Sukhothai, the first capital of the Kingdom, we arrived at about 2:30 at night. However, we return here in a beautiful bungalow, including cable television, so this morning but we could actually watch Fashion TV. At least it is better zuzugucken emaciated Eastern European women strutting in as be drawn to one of the many Thai music channel in, in order to find Karaoke and still runs along the text. This "form" of music is, at least stimulate our Aoke never.
Basically we visit the historical park in the city tomorrow, a huge temple complex. Let's see whether it can compete with Angkor and otherwise, wants us to two fantastic weeks, before we dwell among you again!

sign of the other kind


snake Buddha



little Anna from the sweaters Ländle


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Emachines Recovery Device Not Ready

Under the Sign of the Cobra

This week we have once again dealt with the nature dear reader, we have seen the largest venomous snake in the world boxing and know the dangers of the jungle, learned to read themselves, but only once we had a train but get into the wilderness. Third class, which is less pigs and sheep, but rather no air conditioning in the cabin is, but very comfortable. This can all windows and doors remain open, as our "Express" made it just felt to 50 km / h, one had a constant air circulation and therefore no sweats. After a five hour drive for just under 200 kilometers, we arrived at Pak Chong, Khao Yai National Park, the starting point. That is the biggest Thai National Park and how it is also the most imposing. At first, however, an accommodation was needed and we rented a guest house in Greenleaf, which scored first, through its rooms and unbeatable value in its spectacular tours of the park. So we booked the same also wanted a full day for the next morning and when we know whether we are also guaranteed to see snakes, the owner showed us take the first highly poisonous viper tree opposite our room, the absolute increase in anticipation. In the evening met we have again a couple Americans who had also booked the tour and jabbered about God and the world. Later came back the tour of the day, which also belonged to a German and a little later so it came to football Kracher Thailand to Germany, three against three, barefoot on concrete. At least, that was on one side of the field, because the other covered with gravel disgusting, what the Thais apparently made up with its enormous layer of the cornea nothing. After it was zero to two and Matthias already had the first blood blister, we did not have to sit on us and we again gave neat gas, leading to the poignant final score of six to five for Germany. Wet welding, totally disabled and many of us exhausted around seven, to be back on his feet in our bed. Our tour included the end of seven men, four tourists came to the three guides, so what if the time is not a luxury. When we reached the park, we drove around in first step speed and all stopped few meters. Our guides listened, watched and waved from that was the pattern of the first half hour, which made us somewhat nervous. Since not much was visible beside the road, so it was in the jungle. Three hour walk right across the scrub, but they were fantastic. We saw an old friend again, namely, the ugly giant spider from Australia (you remember?) and another small snake. We saw squirrels as they jumped around among the giant trees, but the real highlights were sitting in the first place in the tops of the former. There would be a wonderful part, cute Gibbons, around which dangled from the branches and huge hornbills. Unfortunately, we know the German name, but imagine the Fruit Loops bird and gigantic namely. One of our guides had a kind of telescope it and we could see all the animals and extensively photographed it also, which would otherwise have been impossible, since the trees were easily fifty feet high. Completed, the migration through the Lynx in one of the wildlife observation towers, where we like it or not allowed to enjoy tofu.
Then we went to a waterfall, where barely arrived, and was again Parole given to the departure, someone had spotted elephants in the park two minutes later, we could then also one of the elephants drinking at the watch at a water hole, before he bit later disappeared in the jungle, hear, however, was a long time. Then we were finally able to relax at the waterfall, bathing in the many visitors. We saved the wet, because we had a few hours before us. Next, we went to other elephants search because the day before the streets were nearly twenty long walks. This time they stayed in the jungle, unfortunately, but that bothered us less personally, because we first saw scorpions! Large hand, greenish specimens that our guide also brought in good aggressive attitude Photo, before he let them crawl on his arm. Then it went to almost twelve hours on the way home back to the inn. In the evening we learned more about English, we kindly spent their photos on Cd. came as Revanchierungsversuch be done, but with heaps White Thai whiskey back and so was the evening longer and longer. This meant that we do the next day only up to Nakhon Ratchasima managed in order to recover there. But we went back the next day absolutely vital to Khon Kaen and found there is a truly great (and cheap) hotel, you also get from these lines. There, we decided to make a detour to the self-proclaimed cobra village. The next day we put it to work in practice. In a non-air conditioned bus, with seats completely stupid, this was still quite crowded, the one-hour one way was rather daunting. Then we took a tuk-tuk to the village. There, a little battered stage was built with artificial turf, including where even the first Boa Constriktor lingered, but the could not. Behind the stage were monkeys in tiny cages, bears, and especially King Cobras stored, the stars of the show. So we took on a Grandstand court and waited for the first time a little. After some time, three girls started off a very ugly, to be delivered completely out of sync dance. After a while, then got a cobra but every round the neck, but even that is not our skin of the socks. Only the following Snake Boxing made the visit reasonably rewarding. In this case try any crazy, some of which were not ten years old to box against the huge king cobras. People must fight on its head and against the neck or pull on the tail, up to five meters long beasts, however, may just bite. We do not know whether they still had fangs, certainly had some circumcised cocks or gouged eyes. Highlights were certainly the struggle of a man wanted to kiss for two (!) Spitting cobras, or a freak of one of the snakes. Think I was bitten only one shoe of a boy who otherwise were all unharmed. We donated a few baht, but when you then use the critters running around, to hang around necks, we disappeared better. This village is certainly a very adventurous experience and we also find quite a cruelty to animals, somehow it was still amusing. After the relaxing return trip, we wanted to go eat Chinese, but to our bad luck was the recommended Hong Kong House already closed so we went in the 5-star dining restaurant. We ordered baked Duck and garlic shrimp, the duck was unfortunately full of bones and no trace of garlic, when we still wanted to turn on Diet Coke, it was enough then. We do so only awarded a star and probably will escape back into cheaper premises. More we have not make it, but we have still true even three weeks on our trip, so we are left!

Park Overview





cobra pit!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Response Card With Per Person Example


We are back from the Kingdom of Cambodia and regained access to his Thai neighbor. Nevertheless, the experience of Cambodia was great, especially when you consider that this country has actually still to suffer severely from the consequences of the war. We certainly booked through our hotel, a personal tuk-tuk driver to finally visit the temples of Angkor. We had a bicycle can achieve anything, but at these temperatures (including humidity) must now not truly be. Admission for a full week, was a proud $ 60, but we got cute plastic passport with a photo, but it's worth it anyway. First of all, we wanted to to the "mother of all temples" itself, Angkor Wat, the biggest religious building in the world. Surrounded by a manicured moat, impressed even the entrance, the bridge on the first portal resulted. From there, you could already see the three main towers and was on the increase with balustrade led directly to the temple. This is surrounded by a wall and before you get inside, you have to take one of the extremely steep stairs. Since the building is almost a thousand years old, leaving hundreds of the jungle, there is no great wealth, but simply transitions, towers and smaller Wats (religious shrines). The complex is easily impressed only by the size, symmetry and charm, all the temples of Angkor, broadcast, Indiana Jones! After we had marveled enough, it went straight on to the next highlight, the temple city of Angkor Thom, which housed at peak times up to one million people. There we first took hold at the Bayon, the temple is absolutely remarkable in the area. Not only that he has received countless corridors, staircases and towers, no, the highlight is clearly the 216, some giant faces of his Gothic Campanile. Next, we went to the Baphuon, whose restoration of the civil war was interrupted and has not finished. Nevertheless, the pyramid-shaped Temple worth seeing, even if the outer area still full of ruining stones flying. Then we strolled through the Terrace of Elephants, which received its name from the sculptures at their entrances, for Phimeanakas. This was formerly the royal palace, of which today are only two sandstone pools obtained. Although many of the decorations are gone, we walked to the third floor and had a fantastic view of the surrounding buildings. Then we walked through a small wooded area and discovered a beautiful, hidden temple, Preah Palilay. It is through his crumbling walls, the building seemed incredibly atmospheric and mysterious. Then were we not only soaked, but completely exhausted and so it went only once to the hotel.
The next day we had, however, a tight schedule, because first of all, we wanted to see the finest temples of Angkor, and was forty miles from the main entrance way. So we went on our bike coach through many small villages and could not ignore poverty. sell not just the countless children, water, t-shirts or postcards, just all the people living on the breadline.
the temple the view we wanted, and was called Banteay Srei is considered a jewel of Angkorepoche. The Hindu temple is dedicated to the goddess Shiva and hides some of the finest stone carvings of the planet. Portions of this three-dimensional works of art would steal even later times the French culture minister under de Gaulle. In any case, the complex, although one of the smallest in the region, absolutely a delight and the long journey had been worthwhile. On the way back we stopped at the Pre Rup, whose lofty mountain temple gave us time to breathe. Because after that it went to the Banteay Kdei whose premises are alarmed over 700 meters. The temple was not finished with its construction, but this is not bad, because one could run either way enough. Then we enjoyed the fantastic view of the Sra Srang basin before it was back to Siem Reap. In the evening we were, as always, in one of the many Restaurants eat before it went after that into a club where you at Whisky-Cola buckets got the best people from all over the world. The next day we had taken time off anyway, but this was so necessary or so, because I had been a very bad trip is diarrhea, which I forced into less funny thirty minutes intervals to the bathroom. The whole thing was also stubborn and so the next day all the excursions were first flat. After three days I felt reasonably fit again, and at least wants to be visited the rest of Angkor. The first was from the temple Ta Phrom, the site was almost fully recovered from the jungle. There is barely a stone now and a lot of is already locked for security reasons, yet the trees whose roots have grown deep into the walls into amazing. World famous of these is the Tomb Raider tree where Angelina Jolie in the film, yet picks a jasmine flower before they jump into the void. Anyway, the temple is everything, how to get an ancient temple built in the jungle presents ... phenomenal. Then we made the last stop on the great temple of us was missing, Preah Khan. Again, this by no means disappointed, for he is after all one of the greatest ever, but we had seen a bit tired and so we dedicated the building rather little attention. Nevertheless, the entire territory of the former kings of Angkor, one of the most spectacular temples in the world, probably only comparable to Machu Picchu or the Taj Mahal. Despite this incredible cultural treasure, is what the population is not good. The consequences of war are devastating, we see countless maimed, who have become victims of landmines, which nothing else can beg as. It still die thirty people per month from the effects of mines in a country where for almost ten years, there really peace. In addition, the entire infrastructure is broke - what are highways here, have come with great difficulty even dirt roads.
We could very well experience on our return, 150 km to the Thai border in the mountains. Not only that our driver would be better not become Formula 1 driver and at least two trillion times pressed the buzzer, no, this non-existent traffic rules, the constant agony if you looked out the window and the huge potholes and Huckel, which our driver resistance 80 things assumed that was what made us create. Anyway, we recommend every rational person not to travel to Cambodia by car! Somehow we arrived at yet, but the horror continued, but this time was on the Thai side, as our minibus, designed for maybe fifteen people, at peak times over twenty people packed, reducing the travel comfort substantially. Now we are in Surin, where I will explore tomorrow by train to the northeast of the country, keep your ears stiff!

Angkor Wat





brrrrr! Quiet my flying lion * roll eyes *

Tomb Raider tree


temple explorations

Friday, May 25, 2007

Disadvantages Washington D.c.

A new country

Our week started where they left off, in the heart of Bangkok. Traditionally, it was for us next in the local zoo, the Dusit Zoo. He was formerly a royal garden and is now a mix of park and zoo. In any case, crawls and flies it in every corner, we saw hippos, elephants and even a couple of anacondas. The park impressed above all by the fact that the animals had no beautiful enclosure, as in Europe, but crammed together, pretty close to inspect the visitors were.
Such was also one times twenty alligators in a fence, or a uranium-Tang reach. This is perhaps not the best for the animals, but certainly for the visitors. Moreover, relatively large turtles were released through the park, with which one could make comical pictures. The real highlight was the sea that ran through the area, because this was populated by giant lizards, which we considered only for crocodiles. Determined three feet long were the greatest of these critters, and otherwise was also all the water from populated some monstrous fish. Unfortunately, the lending of this pedal already closed so we could not make a romantic trip with the kids more Godzilla.
Actually, we wanted also visited the residential area of the King, but that was how it turns out, fully guarded and not open to visitors, too bad. For this, we ran again to the area of the palace Parunsakkawan who knew to please its European architecture immediately. In the evening we met the Americans a few days in an Irish pub again, the live music attracted many people. So we made also with a few Thai and Swedish acquaintance. In any event, we moved through the bars and clubs of Bangkok and enjoyed once again fantastic nightlife. Next, we booked our flight then the next destination, Cambodia. Since we already had scoured for all our interesting attractions, it was therefore only wait and enjoy the vibe of the City. That meant us about as much: see and hang out from time to time a street dealer in order not to starve.
I was in between but also make a visit the Royal Centre (subsequently), which on the one hand, impressive, on the other comes along only tacky and cluttered. Thus, there are temples, palaces and shrines en masse, but only three buildings are generally accessible, which reduces the whole thing a bit. In addition, the heavily armed child soldiers but look more bargain than obscure. The highlight of the site is certainly an emerald Buddha, which is actually made of jade. But that is only 35 centimeters high, so I asked a somewhat puzzled Australian, whether the thing would be there at all. In addition, also shine the lobby of the King for state visits and the many stone figures. All in all it was worth, but his entry, even if it did not meet all our expectations. had learned then we met again in the evening Andy and Mark, we know in Ko Tao. When you share from our previous experiences, it was then quite late, thus the term getting up the next morning, not just simplified. We had to get that is our plane and went shortly after eight Clock by taxi to the brand new Bangkok International Airport. It is certainly huge, but still clear, although we in the meantime for Breakfast in the sky lounge lost, the price list made us disappear very quickly. After we had exchanged a few U.S. dollars, we went to check in even when aufrauchen we could not even ... although the bus for at least ten minutes, not moving from the spot. Our plane was then quite comfortable, with just eighty places and even two propellers on the engines and despite the low travel time (1:15 hours), we were even served a decent meal.
The first thing we had to do in Cambodia, the three identical cards to fill entry to get hold of a visa. The cost twenty dollars or twenty-two when either no photo it was not Mr. Dobrick.
All in all, but rip off, but straightforward. After our traditional beer airport, we went by taxi to the city. Whose driver had indeed only nice and wanted to sell us even grass, but his real job to take us to our hotel, he did not really. First, he drove us to take our Royal Hotel, the Royal Crown. After that it claimed would be no Royal Hotel and we wanted to impose one of its hotels and when I wanted him lead the way, he suddenly understood no English more. So by walking on and what a miracle, no problem, we found our accommodation and were not disappointed by it. We even pay-TV and a personal tuk-tuk driver for Angkor. Oh, we're now in Siem Reap, 750,000 inhabitants, yet very relaxed, perfect starting point for the temples of Angkor. The city looks more like a small town and the many restaurants in the colonial sweet are simply fantastic, the river is indeed Asia Typically completely brown, but some children still swim in it. Otherwise, Cambodia is far from annoying begging (infants, the wrap around your leg) and the total absence of traffic rules (here, take a traffic light opposite to legends cars simply both tracks and proceed at green in the middle by the other traffic) . After I had my grad still give yourself a reflexology massage, We see now from the comfort Champions League and be morning so that we start from the spiritual beauty of the World Heritage Angkor Wat let's hide.





Plunder soldiers

Friday, May 18, 2007

How Fast Do Nipple Piercings Close

between monkeys and cadavers - experiences of the bizarre nature

This time the trip report is fresh from one of the largest cities in the world, ergo we reached Bangkok. But before we go into detail with this electrifying traffic chaos, first the outward journey there. Previously, we were still in the small town that is Phetchaburi. Thither we came again by bus, as always, relatively comfortable and relaxing. Since the Thai population four to five meals a day devours the bus driver was also a compulsory visit to a food temple. There Matthi learned that there really is too sharp for his dishes tongue and that it does not improve, if you look everywhere truckloads chili powder tilts about food. Anyway, we arrived at dusk beginning Phetchaburi and monsoon rain, which robbed us of any desire to bargain and we jumped right into the first tuk-tuk. Tuk-Tuk's are motorized three-wheel polluters whose main goal is to visitors in a completely wrong driving directions to stores to sell them on there, where the driver can catch gasoline coupons. All the fun we had there, save for luck and we ended up at our hotel. Meanwhile, cheap room, though sparsely furnished, but it could come up with a different kind of attraction. Monkeys, monkeys everywhere, but more on that later. After the long trip we fell relatively quickly into the realm of dreams, at least if one could ignore the wheel of the monkey. The next day we boarded
then the mountain town, you know, earlier we went up by cable car. Above there was not only fantastic views of the city and its surrounding area but also to see much. Several impressive temples, which were connected by gardens. Particularly impressive was the "great trumpet", the striking architecture was noticed us on the eve of the bottom. The only annoying but also there were the monkeys that tried to steal my Pepsi bottle is essential and that too at unbelievable audacity. But the kids in the fountain were just cute, see photo. Back on the ground, it went straight on into the religious caves. These are underground caves, which are packed with Buddha figures and incredibly ugly kitsch. Nevertheless, we donated a few baht and allowed the same visit with a monk another hall, where we were selected gold particles on to stick to light incense and a statue, unbelievable. After this bizarre experience, we walked back to center to end the afternoon in the park. There we saw yet again a really small snake, however, had apparently already heard from us and twisted into a bush. In the evening we planned to rent a DVD yet, but really because the majority of the population does not have chunks speaks English, some of our featured quite problematic. After the third kind information, we should not buy the DVD, which we had never said we were better but then the room. There was always much better entertainment because as I said, yes, it was everywhere Monkeys.
So we left the window open times (which had a grid before) and settled down on the bed. Soon came the first monkey curious and tried to drag the process out of position. As the seemingly made the rounds, came more of the cute critters and tried to shake not only at the curtain, but to steal things from the room. At the same time were a maximum of three monkeys in the room that the curtain or the rumhangelten Seifestückchen hotel kidnapped. A big fun we have, however, held only reasonable on video. After Matthi too far, was one of the monkeys was almost kidnapped our diarrheal medicine, the villains were chased back outside, where threw it to the noise level to, with stones on the corrugated iron roof. That was even too much to us and we fled by bus to Bangkok. Since we arrived just south of downtown, we took taxi meter taxi, which are just unbelievable rates, thirty minutes had paid at least proud to be € 1.50. Deposed we were on Khao Sarn Road, Bangkok's backpacker street in general. There are also numerous hotels on hotel and junk stalls, internet cafes and street stalls. Despite the baggage, we decided to compare several hotels and found at the end of a room with hot shower, air conditioning and moderate noise for noise 11 € the night. Then we went to the night life, where we landed at an Italian and chatter at the end with two Munich on our next destination Cambodia. On the way back we noticed in addition to the many street bars, which propagated the welcoming slogan: We do not check ID card. For a non-stop any dealers who want to sell an electric shock lighters or wooden carvings with frog noises, the bargain sale here six years with three children nerves clock at night there are still roses and whores anyway. All in all, a unique area. The next day we started with the sightseeing, but once wandered for two hours through the streets, because our map had only about five plotted streets. We bought a Lonely Planet but of Cambodia, but also helped us further limited. Eventually, it was stupid to us then and we went by taxi to our first "untraceable" target, a gold Buddha-35m. Very impressive, even if much comes along the Thai decorative art incredibly cheesy. Then we went to a golden rider, whose real highlight was the building behind. Because of its roof had been a brilliant 360-degree view of this gigantic metropolis. In all four directions to the horizon was blocked everything, although relatively low, because the skyscrapers rising almost exclusively at the edge of the city to a huge Buinessdistrikt whose Smogglocke was obvious. When last we visited the Democracy Monument in the Art Deco style, which was surrounded by an eight-lane roundabout. Initially, as mentioned above, the traffic just a huge mess because the government has installed too late relief as the new skytrain. In addition, many motor scooters, tuk-tuk and taxi drivers drive easy as besengte pigs, zebra crossings or traffic lights are usually ignored. I spent the evening Matthi and separately, as it was already in our room when I got to know a few amino girls and provide them with a few Scots showed that whiskey is not panscht. This, however, take a little tribute The next morning, for Matthi had to explore the royal district alone, since I was little more to start. That's not so much because I'm going to the site in the next few days and still look the same antanzen with long pants there. Matthi could validly his shorts for a lot of change too great leggings, in mint green.
again with full energy and enthusiasm, we went the next day to the Siam Square, a shopping Mecca of superlatives. We already had enough after a shopping center and had just nine floors. However, we were in the countless small shops also find, Matthi bought two polo shirts in pink pig and poison dart frog green, Also a pink shirt. I got a new cell phone battery (and now is being turned to again, yippie!) And a maroon sweater. Of course we also got a few souvenirs, we just have to decide who will get the big wooden penis. Anyway, today we visited the Wat Arun, a really beautiful temple to please the extremely detailed design did. Then we wanted the Museum of Forensic Medicine, but got lost in the huge hospital complex. Without finding the museum, we were rattling in the pathology field, looking at once fresh corpses lie before us, whose deformed body would point to anything good. Quite a shock, since it just me, my first "real" body was, but we took pictures anyway. Any doctor then chased us and pointed us to the real museum, with its images of tsunami victims, car accidents and infant diseases, however, was not much better. It was interesting to all cases, but the stand around the bodies in the hallways was easy for us until now unimaginable. Anyway, we now spend a few days in this great city and then move on to Cambodia, oh, you better keep away from hospitals (except those forced to get well soon my snails!)



Our street

giant Buddha

view over Bangkok

Democracy Monument



corpses ...