Title: Jyu-Oh-Sei
episodes: 11
My Rating: 7 / 10
Thor and his twin brother, Rai are after attack by unknown men who killed their parents stranded on a lonely planet. With a sword bewafnet they set out to find civilization on the planet dotted with plants. You notice the plants are the enemies soon and only the one that lays its humanity can be the ruler.
long ago that I an anime 've seen, that I've been so long in my collection but never started, so it was about time to change the * g * So I have to say I liked the whole quite well, even where such a military r stuff does not really arouses my interest, I thought it was cool but like Thor on the planet has found friends, especially after he loses his brother at the beginning: (
Only at the end I found it all a bit confusing, not only the Third is somehow to these military people have, but also that the end has acted so abruptly this, I found it really sad the Third and Tiz are then died. (And I turn the toll gate was then still on the Planet has remained and has helped to rebuild everything that has made the work will go down at least a little better.
Jyu-Oh-Sei is an anime I would recommend not necessarily all, but you can look at it already;)
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