Monday, September 14, 2009

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Fire Boys

Title: ファイアーボーイズ
Title (English): FIRE BOYS
Genre: life, action, romance
episodes: 11
My Rating: 10/10

Daigo look after his rescue of a firefighter, to be desperate to have one yourself. When that day comes, he is happy and proud. It seems as if he has too high pride, to his colleagues or superiors to hear he is doing what he just for sees fit. Thus, he is also often the ire of his colleagues to be, but Daigo knows he can learn from mistakes and he will give everything to save people ...

Fire Boys is really a drama that I would really recommend this drama is really close to one. What I liked, among other things, was Daigo, who thought at the beginning, he could do it all alone and then have noticed that only the interaction within the team is successful. I liked his urge to help people and save them, even if I really thought so many times if he does time right up straight to the beginning, when he plunged into everything inside has without thinking what could happen to him or the other, which is remarkable on a sort, but on the other also very reckless. But still I like it just as much Daigo and the rest of the team the importance of life at heart. Some episodes have moved me so much, I certainly could not read the subtitles because my eyes were so swollen from crying, as in one episode, when the man the head of the Fire Department has held up as the killer and his band of Daigo the emergency call was played. Thought that was so blatant as you can hear the woman screaming for help and in the background as the child and then a loud bang and everything fell silent T_T or as Daigo with the little boy on den Hügel geklettert ist, damit dieser so schnell wie möglich ins Krankenhaus kommt. Oder wie alle mit ansehen müssen wie ihr Kollege auf dem Balkon stirbt T_T Das war wirklich so ein Gänsehaut Moment wo man den Atem anhält und die Tränen schon aus den Augen kullern T_T Auch bei der letzten Folge blieben meine Augen nicht trocken, als die Jungs da ins brennende Haus rein sind, weil Daigo meinte da ist noch jemand drin, als die Jungs dann da mit dem Mann raus kamen und Daigo dazu noch das Vogelnest in der Hand hatte war das ein Moment wo ich echt nicht wusste ob ich jetzt lachen oder heulen soll T_T
Schade ist nur das die Subs sich irgendwie in fast jeder Folge verschieben *seufz* Was sometimes really hard to follow so the whole at all.


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