Sunday, September 14, 2008

Flaky Patches Spreading Dogs Back

daily updates

Dear Nicht-Leser/liebe the reader here and still not working for me

detectors are now once again gone into the country two weeks and I think it's time for a new journal - although not much earth-shattering happened in my life is. But well, it does actually never, because of that ...

first, but somewhat important message: I have now officially submitted my resignation at Star Mart and have to work now for 2 weeks.
Three weeks ago, even the wars that I was not sure if I even want to terminate or not and then what is ... Now I'm just still glad that I "have done. I do not still to be precisely what it and what I'm on the South Island because want to start as accurate, but I'm sick at least the work at the Star Mart now thoroughly to his neck out - predominantly because of Weil's just not enough work for all the employees there is always floating around. Stand around and desperate after half-way reasonable Search task is much harder than just a few hours durchzuschuften correctly.
work now I ja (free'm sure Monday / Tuesday) Saturday / Sunday, because it is particularly bad, because there are at all since there is no rush hour, would be in which even a few more customers - take more ma 15 minutes in which no one at all in the Laden is.

also piling up the sign that I also need to move away from Wellington. I like the city itself I still love the good, a horny place to live (the weather is better now!), but I note it on the people in the hostel, that I should move on too.
long time, it was a solid core of long term stay on the World Wide Backpackers, people who sometimes already be reside months since, the go away now, and eventually all. :-( I would not even say that they are all good friends who go there. But stop but people you already know longer can maintain that it is just about everyday and not only the permanent backpacker standard -conversation ("Hi, what is your name, where you from, how long you stay, where have you been, how's it there, where you going yet, I was already in and still want to ...") .

And what is especially bad. our giggling mob (the four girls from Room 10) breaks up and Sandra (our Maaffin) is already away last Sunday morning, we have them still together and taken to the airport. sie mit einer fuer den giggling mob typischen Mischung aus Gelaechter-Traenen-Kaffee-Schokokuchen-Geknuddel-und-Gekicher verabschiedet.

Maaffin, wenn du das hier liest: wir vermissen dich ganz doll, Room 10 ist nicht mehr das gleiche ohne dich und das neue Maedel ist voll doof und sie schnarcht und kannst du nicht bitte doch wiederkommen, als illegaler Einwanderer oder so? *ganz fest drueck*

Heute ist dann auch noch Jemma unser Walisermaedel ausgezogen -- zumindest die haben wir noch nicht ganz verloren. Sie bleibt in Wellington, kann aber gratis im Haus von nem Arbeitskollegen wohnen, als House-Sitterin waehrend das Paar in Europa ist. Ist schon ausgemacht, dass wir sie da mal besuchen must, to a nice dinner and a Dr Who marathon night. But to whom shall I now at night, "Nos da i ti" say (one of the few Welsh expressions that I can remember it)? And who asks me this crazy accent sweet if she was still "a Gummibaehhrschhen" have?

At least Carrie is retained even longer than I first thought. Which can be softened by cooking in their work (with a steak, some people are so easy to bait!) Still work to two weeks longer before abseiling to the South Island. ((Not that they would do it all over to get rid of me then, I "Bappert Gutzi" will you follow with certainty in the short or long, where they may hide * g *)

Other things from my everyday life:
Yesterday was big rugby match: the New Zealand All Blacks against the mortal enemy, the Australia Wallabies in the final (or whatever it may be called here) of the Tri-Nations Cup and the Bledisloe Cup to (which will be played between NZ and AUS).
Carrie and I are looking to Mike ("their" kiwi) and Adrian went to the NEN pub - it was very genial mood, at the very beginning, the traditional Haka. (I still try to ensure that football could do something well, just for the drama and the fun factor). And then of course during the Game in which even I have heard that it was particularly exciting and fiercely fought over. New Zealand has won Thank God and so was last night and today all right with the world.

And because I have the degree earwig in my head, here is a little audition for you at home: Newton Faulkner - Dream Catch Me "which they play constantly in the Radion (and it is one of the few songs where I I am still when it comes). Do not know if what was received from the already in Germany. Can you hear just pure.

Oh, and just because we are in the process and so many of you are worn down to the funny commercials Kiwi are: the spot is a real cult here; Make as Kiwis advertising for chocolate. No I do not understand it wirlich, but it's still funny

So, this reaching for today then I think again. As viewed from
reports, perhaps one of you also once again someone who is not related to me, with me?


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