After I've already got the fourth complaint, why I did not heard from me, there are now endich again a new blog entry from me.
Like last time, even, The changes in my life keep very limited. Last week I was quite proud to report on the blog that I have achieved that the radio station has changed in the work: from the terrible radio ZM of Classic Hits FM - the promise "no repeat from nine to five on work days" have (for play it every day still the same playlist with the same songs, but at least the songs are not repeated during a day constantly). But unfortunately, unfortunately Monday morning I came back to work and someone had put back the radio station back on ZM. Aaaarrghh !!!!!
The last week was very nice for a total.
Wednesday was big farewell party, because Marcel Bob is left from the hostel. Bob has over 6 weeks here on the World Wide Backpacker usual (although he first wanted to stay only 3 days or so), and spent most of his time smoking on the terrace. On weekends, he has cleaned out in the hostel, and finally led the reception, more or less. He was just so solid Grundpraesenz that was always there when you talk to whom, lean, or has used grumbling about the weather. And now he's just gone - and a vital part of the WWB has gone with him. Andrew, the hostel owner, has been threw a farewell for Bob so on Wednesday the grill and we had a nice barbecue - Kiwi in the deepest winter. * G * We were all with jacket, scarf and gloves in the vicinity of the grill and had an overall murder Gaudi. There was a lot and frequently hugged goodbye and Carrie at some point the official mandate "to spread the LOVE" get.
If you read it here at some point, Bob: Sandra now spends much time in your place on the couch and chats with Steve, but they just ran to you is not even - you will not come back yet?
Thursday / Friday, I then had a first aid course which I was sent from Star Mart. I think so not altogether bad: I know my times from last 8 years ago brush up, get a nice certificate that does apply very well at somewhere else, and pay me the hours were too.
The course was very nicely done total: 18 people from different backgrounds rather, some other Star Mart employees, cafe workers, people from offices and hotels, etc., and James, the teacher was a nice, relaxed guy. So much was unknown mad not there, but it was very good to get everything again taught from scratch.
An unexpected bonus of the course, the social studies / country comparisons that I could do again. First problem was at the very beginning, when the question was asked in the room, who then already had a First-aid training has made. I have reported to me of course and I thought that the so 90% of all participants should be - were finally old enough for any more than drivers' licenses, and for that you need so NEN first aid certificate, is not it? - Think again. Only 3 other people had already NEN course behind him is obviously not a requirement for drivers' licenses here. Aha.
And then again in the grand final scenario. "Fatal Car accident crash between two cars, eight injured and 4 people come by in the car and help - Discuss in the group proceed as you would." The small, innocent Steph turned to her group and says, "Well, we have three cars involved, that means we can have time with three first-aid kit expect that we have available. "At this point, is reaping the small Stephi a surprised look. "Of aussgehen you can not." Non "? But does not every car of regulation produces a first aid box be? "" No, why? " Aha. Something else learned. These Kiwis. Should I go during my time here at some point down but still a car / rent / rent / whatever, I insist that there is extra for me in a first-aid kit. Yes, I'm just so German.
Saturday was a sort of farewell party from Star Mart - because Chevvron Star Mart has sold and the employee has not given a little farewell party. Therefore we (the employees of Star Mart Manners Mall and The Terrace, about 20 people, only three of them female), together with the bowling. And I must say it was a surprisingly pleasant evening. Well, you can special talent for bowling, I accuse no one now, but I am also not employed more stupid than the others and that's why we went actually not at all. Was just nice to be able to talk even with colleagues outside of work more closely and see that (at least a few of them) are real people with real opinions.
to bowling aussderm were some tasty morsels (Kaese! Oh my God, there was genuine ! Water with something something similar such as beer flavor in green bottles: - CHEESE bit) and served a drink (I am opposed to the term "beer" to be used for the brew, which was a choice) in New Zealand-brewed Heineken, lies. Uagh. I've decided to switch two bottles but rather at his own expense to Monteith Black, Dark beer tastes a bit less for what.
's funny, I found my training manager at getting drunk-watching. Zakir has finally of each, after each litter strongly demanded "High Five" and is constantly in Borat voice all comments with "Very niice, iii liike. We will not let him forget so quickly. Photos From the evening, a swing, which I will then sometime soon (I hope) put it online, along with some other images.
must anyway SOON finally an entry about my life in the hostel do with images. I miss just today A) the time and B) the images.
By the way, I will probably finally make a somewhat detailed account of my colleagues at the Star Mart, in particular about my "favorite colleagues," Kirk of which I have already told a few people. Suffice Kirk (to be akin to the German girl from the hostel) has something to do with Braiiinzzz, driving me slowly but surely the madness / murder fantasies increased. But as I said, the anecdotes I leave for another time on - you must somehow stretch on the rack / hold on the rod where otherwise nothing new happens.
Until next time again!
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