The tour comes to an end
Now we are back in Germany for a week, has relatives and friends attended and have one or other presentation of this trip behind us, still does lack a final conclusion that complete this online journal will, then with a total of forty contributions.
The last week in Asia, we still spent in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand. There we visited, as usual, the various religious buildings and the historical museum of the city. We were able to eavesdrop on monks to prayer and to shoot some impressive pictures. Less impressive, however, was the zoo in the city as the first to complete chaos and run down, only able to convince the white tiger. The evenings were also ambiguous, so we dined the first day at a fantastic Italian, and on the last night with Charles. That was despite his nice present (The DVD of the film "The Lives of Others"), quite obnoxious. He babbles on forever trivial issues brought badly pointed jokes and was asleep almost the speeches. However, he also paid for the drinks and we were at least as long with him that it was polite. Since the entire city seemed to be a big market, we then strolled through the streets and bought a few accessories. Then it went
then by train to Bangkok, through the entire night. These beds were folded up and the compartment in a intimate, moving hostel transformed. Very pleasant travel at that the torture chairs the buses, is clearly preferable. In Bangkok, we did almost nothing, we knew that already featured and would not have to spend oodles of money, so we contented ourselves on a shopping visit to the Siam Square, the shopping mecca of Bangkok. We saw again the odious traffic in the capital, in which we needed for a four-kilometer route, after 1 ½ hours and then gave us and continue on foot punched through.
And then it was already in effect as far as it went in the plane. First seven hours after Doha, capital of Qatar, the same airline, that travel was running but very relaxed. So there was a separate screen for each passenger, with tons of recent films, TV shows, computer games and music, in at least four languages. To this end, the food was okay and the beer is free and so can have seven hours to go very fast times over. The airport in the small country was against it but rather ugly, and the smokers prisons violate human rights, yet we survived and our stay there. Then it was unfortunately a bit outdated machine to Berlin, another six ½ hours. However, that went round more than furious, as the anticipation grew for the family to the vast and then it was time, as we finally had our backpacks, the welcome of our parents. Those were even armed with a shield and shipped to us once in a restaurant for breakfast together before we were separated for the first time in ten months a day.
And now ask me for a week everyone what I have learned from such an experience? I can certainly say that this year I made more humane, that it has increased our cultural understanding and this kind of travel was an incredibly great things simple. Linguistically, we have tremendously improved, we have met countless people, but above all we were first asked us to truly free and alone. What was
Now the most beautiful? It is impossible to answer, there were so many unique experiences ... the swim with the Manta Rays, the sunset at Uluru, the pythons in the jungle, the birthday celebrations in Canberra, the temples of Angkor, or just the everyday with the then-functioning patches ... It was fantastic and we mean both that everyone should get the chance to live abroad to travel and work, this should be also used.
I hope you enjoyed by the journal also some joy in this journey. It remains to do in any case continue to plan for all the people online that something like that and get an experience to know (as we did also, thanks to Susie) and simply many questions and then see here can see how easy it still is. If anything should interest you directly, you can also email us at: or
Thanks again to all readers and commentators, which were essential for this diary.
Matthi & Robi
Museum in Chiang Mai
white tiger
night train
interesting poster
group picture