Mountain Festival! Five months Down Under - A New Hope for balance
Today is the 21st January, we are exactly five months ago, it set out from the late-summer Germany, to remote Australia. This report is therefore a good stage to draw a conclusion and a few little anecdotes from everyday life Down Under tell. It is also suitable for this fantastic, because the last week went without any highlights on the stage. A week at a caravan park just outside of Perth. A week of waiting.
Do you remember my broken MP3 player? The Fip had indeed for us to exchange a second time, he also did quickly. Since we always had to wait for our car, he should send the player to Perth so we could hear music again without limit. Anyway, he is still not arrived, which has robbed us of yet another week of precious time. Let's hope that tomorrow morning he finally eintrudelt and we can continue our journey. This, of course, we have
no telling the value experienced is for sleep, but the free (* grin *) and our neighbors greet us already.
This is not all of these lines follow, now in alphabetical order, our impression of the following categories:
Since our tastes even encountered already in Germany with severe criticism (! Millions Sternburg disciples can not be wrong), should next lines are only a rough guideline. Australian beer is drinkable, as long as it is cold and still. No, that does so not quite. While there are still abuses taste misdirection, but they have become rare. Victoria Bitter, VB abbreviation (For "very bad", is a comprehensive review of the Aussies themselves) is one anyhow. Should there be an Australian Holsten, then there is this as we are in the beer, move as elsewhere, the low price level, our favorites at any rate the delicious mhh ... ... Carlton and the cost Emu Draft. Since it is already with luck, at 27 dollars for 30 doses. Yes, there are still boxes, because there is no deposit on cans, there is absolutely no deposit, but probably no recycling, but that's what's not straight. Australian beer is available in three variants, light - midstrenght - bitter and moved here from 2.3 to 5% alcohol, usually but always at 3.5%. In comparison, it naturally has no chance against the German beer culture, but it's not as bad as its reputation, Cheers!
Australia counts as an industrial country, is so polluted by industry, with tons of fast food. The selection clearly outperforms the German border and at American levels. Whether you choose at McDonalds, Hungry Jacks (Burger King), Wendy's or Red Rooster destroyed his character, is left at the end of each myself. But there are also happen to be the great Erdfindungen the Englishman here who likes his food so immersed in hot fat, probably the most numerous fish and chips will love shacks down here. The
Gourmet area is prohibited for reasons of cost us, unfortunately, but the supermarket olive taste great class! Seriously, the restaurant market is booming and is completely in the hands of Asians ... Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, is mongolitisch for every taste and never forget, it could also be your dog.
Australia is huge, it spans multiple time and climate zones. The vegetation and landscape are so different and breathtaking. Whether one goes snorkeling in the largest coral reef in the world, whether four-wheel jeeps on sand dunes in the outback bangs if you go hiking in Tasmania's forests, whether in the Snowboarded mountains around Sydney, or whether one is bitten in the rain forests of the north of crocodiles, it is possible and everything is something for everyone. Those who have followed our reports will certainly have impressions of the fantastic nature of Australia have got, apart from simple photo opportunities such as the Ayer's Rock. Caves, rock formations, rivers, deserts, beaches, forests ... everything for the ultimate outdoor vacation. There is simply nothing to complain about what is missing the cities, nature does at least three betting again.
The company is completely multicultural, what you can find here on other nations and cultures, it is madness. However, as the Aussies are? They are absolutely friendly, helpful and do you normally always good. Whether we had a car accident, or the food we had gone out, there was always someone who helped us out already from his mentality. It almost seems as if terms such as crime, dishonesty or ignorance of our vocabulary. The people are warm, relaxed and above all not so egocentric as in Germany, where it addresses many of something when someone else has problems. Furthermore, one feels at times as a guest before actually funny when the big-spending of the locals out of hand, or you will be invited for the tenth time somewhere. This makes life problems such as Bürokratie viel einfacher. Da wir bisher noch keinen großen Kontakt zu Aboriginies hatten, lassen wir dieses komplexe Thema erst einmal außen vor.
Jeder kennt sie, die Wappentiere Australiens. Kängurus und Koalas, aber was ist mit den anderen, Emus, Wombats, Spinnen, Schlangen, Haien, Fröschen, Quallen, Krokodilen?
Langsam, also Kängurus sieht man überall, ob tot am Straßenrand oder quicklebendig auf den ewig weiten Ebenen. Wer in seinem Australienaufenthalt kein Känguru zu Gesicht bekommt, hat definitiv etwas verkehrt gemacht. Koalas dagegen sind seltener, aber mit etwas Glück kann man die putzigen Matschbirnen ebenfalls in freier Natur erblicken. Emus sind Straußen-ähnliche Critters, which are available in the rural area to face. Spiders and snakes, so one should never meet, according to travel guides, which is definitely wrong. Whether it is or totgifte Redbackspinnen Brown Snakes now, or meter-long pythons ... with some luck the whole range of toxic organisms is covered in an Australia vacation. Sharks and crocodiles, we have not seen yet, but are supposed to drive in the north to mischief, I bet we will also make their acquaintance. Otherwise, there are still the countless other unique species of Australia, such as the Wombat (cross between a beaver and hamsters) or the Eastern Quoll (so we have a run over). If all this is too much, certainly can also be dragged European pests discover below, bunnies and foxes!
the left, remnants of ancient times and not so heavy as expected. However, combined with the right-before-left and already (just starting) is a really queasy in the stomach when it comes to the slopes. Since the distances here are usually more than long-Germany, all cars also packed with several hundred thousand kilometers. As we meet our more mobile as patches, however, one sees primarily Alllradfahrzeuge and vans.
The dreaded road trains are actually dangerous, for speed limits which are unheard of. These are at most 110 on highways So a snail's pace in the German comparison. The road conditions out of the outback are also usually acceptable, even if it may well come to one or other gravel road. danger here is
Tojota and Holden (Australian Opel), German cars are rare, but where should we also attach the Porsche two spare tires?
The tilt here are huge, so not get me wrong, it's not more of it than tobacco in the home, but the boxes are absolutely monstrous! We also monstrous their prices, fifty fags cost of the cheapest variety battered $ 17. The price level that is comparable with the Germans. For Poland, however, the edge definitely too high.
The selection is also comparable, but must be separated from the horrible taste of German brands such as harvest 23 or Caro better or worse ... the only known logo will be that of Marlboro, instead, can one's life expectancy but also shorten with Holiday, Horizon and Winfield probably get!
Oh, and this time no photos gibs * crying *
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
How To Hack Sidekick Sim Card
The last week went faster than expected, even if sometimes the time seemed to stand still. The hostel life but in the long run very enervating, in our case, we even had some luck. Our hostel was clean and large, but relatively familiar and new contacts were made by return mail. The evening talks were thus the only thing giving to a relief from the Australian pay-TV, which mastered the art pieces that horrible level of any German channels to undercut yet.
Our room had four beds, even a relatively small issue of the dorms Down Under. However, four people hold enough noise to make sleeping impossible, either because of flatulence or cold. In this age of fast food and climate control probably no longer a rarity. Otherwise
was thin on the ground next to the daily visit to our website and the scouring of cheap Asian restaurants, variety. Since the pubs here to Part-smoking and the beer prices are astronomical, so we spent the evenings so dear to the balcony to gaze into the fire (or the Aboriginiegangs who regularly camped in front of the hostel very intoxicated). As some people may spend months or even weeks in hostels, we will forever remain a mystery.
Fip seems to have solved the puzzle successfully, because he lives now already some time back at the place where we had picked him in the Traveller's Rest in Sydney. When phone calls turned out that he seems to the fact of unemployment, to go pretty well.
But we wanted to only back into the car, back on the road back to travel. Patches Friday was finally ready, refurbished can say. We now have new cylinder heads, no oil leak more new oil and water filter, new belt, a new radiator and then two full brake lights. The mechanic said that Australia so we could still walk around a hundred times, we hope at least the next two. However, we have now and 1 year Australia wide warranty, which in the case of the cases can not hurt, of course. To give the mechanics a chance next Monday, after a few hundred kilometers to check everything again by, so it was not the same as the West Coast high, but only once at Wave Rock.
Wave Rock and his cousin the Hippo Rock are two fantastic rock formations ausschau border, on the one hand, just one extreme to the other shaft and foot resemble a hippopotamus. The pictures really speak for themselves. Before we got to the granite face, we made stops in Karlgarin, once again the only guests of the really nice trailer parks.
the way back to Perth we segmented into two stages and the first took us to Corrigin. Or should I say hell? At temperatures of 38 ° C in the shade of several trees all afternoon and even 27 ° C for three clock at night, goes by one as good as anything. All people who think maybe at some point to Australia cunning should make you aware that the Australian summer is unbearable. But what you can suspend the weather, the hospitality of the locals make up for that loose, we were invited once again.
to the traditional BBQ with real British deserts with Tofugeschmack steak and sweet, so be it, there were passing the first German beer for months, ice cold, imported Beck's. After several hours of lively discussion, which led to great misunderstanding of our sleeping habits, it was the same the next invitation. This time away from the culinary level and into the heart of true country people of Australia, sheep shearing.
Since we process had never seen up close, we agreed after consultation of reasonable time, then with a "great" enthusiasm. The next morning we started on the same farm, and then purely middle of the action. Five Scherer, two wool collector, and a packer placed then release also powerful, per sheep maybe two minutes. The pace had its price, some sheep from say, as if they were tortured, but our guide said that trouble at anything, but the wool is great - as always. After this "great" experience, it also went straight to Perth, which up to a huge black snake, even was worth mentioning.
Well, the week is out to be pretty close, but in the hostel experience is just much less than the round trip.
morning we will return to the medieval town and a few errands in the city working, before it then goes on to the north along the west coast, rejoice in the coming weeks. The most beautiful part of the continent is now before us, until soon.
Our hostel
Wave Rock
survey Wave Rock
Hippo foot outside
Hippo foot inside
a sheep flock
The last week went faster than expected, even if sometimes the time seemed to stand still. The hostel life but in the long run very enervating, in our case, we even had some luck. Our hostel was clean and large, but relatively familiar and new contacts were made by return mail. The evening talks were thus the only thing giving to a relief from the Australian pay-TV, which mastered the art pieces that horrible level of any German channels to undercut yet.
Our room had four beds, even a relatively small issue of the dorms Down Under. However, four people hold enough noise to make sleeping impossible, either because of flatulence or cold. In this age of fast food and climate control probably no longer a rarity. Otherwise
was thin on the ground next to the daily visit to our website and the scouring of cheap Asian restaurants, variety. Since the pubs here to Part-smoking and the beer prices are astronomical, so we spent the evenings so dear to the balcony to gaze into the fire (or the Aboriginiegangs who regularly camped in front of the hostel very intoxicated). As some people may spend months or even weeks in hostels, we will forever remain a mystery.
Fip seems to have solved the puzzle successfully, because he lives now already some time back at the place where we had picked him in the Traveller's Rest in Sydney. When phone calls turned out that he seems to the fact of unemployment, to go pretty well.
But we wanted to only back into the car, back on the road back to travel. Patches Friday was finally ready, refurbished can say. We now have new cylinder heads, no oil leak more new oil and water filter, new belt, a new radiator and then two full brake lights. The mechanic said that Australia so we could still walk around a hundred times, we hope at least the next two. However, we have now and 1 year Australia wide warranty, which in the case of the cases can not hurt, of course. To give the mechanics a chance next Monday, after a few hundred kilometers to check everything again by, so it was not the same as the West Coast high, but only once at Wave Rock.
Wave Rock and his cousin the Hippo Rock are two fantastic rock formations ausschau border, on the one hand, just one extreme to the other shaft and foot resemble a hippopotamus. The pictures really speak for themselves. Before we got to the granite face, we made stops in Karlgarin, once again the only guests of the really nice trailer parks.
the way back to Perth we segmented into two stages and the first took us to Corrigin. Or should I say hell? At temperatures of 38 ° C in the shade of several trees all afternoon and even 27 ° C for three clock at night, goes by one as good as anything. All people who think maybe at some point to Australia cunning should make you aware that the Australian summer is unbearable. But what you can suspend the weather, the hospitality of the locals make up for that loose, we were invited once again.
to the traditional BBQ with real British deserts with Tofugeschmack steak and sweet, so be it, there were passing the first German beer for months, ice cold, imported Beck's. After several hours of lively discussion, which led to great misunderstanding of our sleeping habits, it was the same the next invitation. This time away from the culinary level and into the heart of true country people of Australia, sheep shearing.
Since we process had never seen up close, we agreed after consultation of reasonable time, then with a "great" enthusiasm. The next morning we started on the same farm, and then purely middle of the action. Five Scherer, two wool collector, and a packer placed then release also powerful, per sheep maybe two minutes. The pace had its price, some sheep from say, as if they were tortured, but our guide said that trouble at anything, but the wool is great - as always. After this "great" experience, it also went straight to Perth, which up to a huge black snake, even was worth mentioning.
Well, the week is out to be pretty close, but in the hostel experience is just much less than the round trip.
morning we will return to the medieval town and a few errands in the city working, before it then goes on to the north along the west coast, rejoice in the coming weeks. The most beautiful part of the continent is now before us, until soon.
Our hostel
Wave Rock
survey Wave Rock
Hippo foot outside
Hippo foot inside
a sheep flock
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Should You Shave Before Getting A Brazillian Wax?
sand in the gears - the sluggish start to the year
The city on the Swan River in the far west of Australia, was at our feet. In addition, the year is slowly running out and we still had to make appropriate preparations. So it was that we did the first thing New Year shopping and the day otherwise spent at the campsite. In Perth there were in effect then but not so much to explore, at least not promise as much as its skyline. The Lonely Planet lists in just half a page at once, which offer to Perth in sights added.
The next day we spent so therefore, to work these few lines. We went first into the Art Gallery of Western Australia, which was actually surprised with some beautiful works. In addition to Australian and European art of centuries past, there were also many paintings to admire the Aborigines. After a short break, it went straight on into the Museum of Western Australia. Under this universal name hid a mix of geological and natural history museum. Volcanic rocks, dinosaurs, history of Australia and much more, was clearly prepared and issued. A really good experience, which also happen to be free was. After our cultural thirst was quenched so, could the new year, now (and maybe another thirst * grin *). At 31.12 was so pure in heart the city with a corresponding parking space to get hold of. It should be shaded, the center and absolutely free, as these are several requests at once the same, we were satisfied with the result.
Except for the cost issue has in fact fulfilled all and what's a few dollars in contrast to the ticket prices in Australia? Since New Year begins, but usually not even by 1 clock noon, we wanted before even visiting the Mint.
A Mint is an old mint, nowadays, with exhibitions of the former gold rush lures. Unfortunately, we were a bit late and could therefore only visit the showroom, or view the current gold and silver prices on screens. At least we could keep an eye on a few nuggets and its astronomical prices. Of course there were still hours to the fireworks, so we strolled through the streets and alleys, to finally relax in a park the last time 2006th Back in the car we pulled ourselves just yet, before going on to find the street parties. The first missile exploded, but already, as we wandered aimlessly through the relatively streets. Remedy gives us two girls (one of which even came from Cottbus), giving us a short hand took with them.
Several hundred people on the streets, loud music and lots of police ... so we were arrived. In a strange city it is for two somewhat boring, so we just talked to the next sitting and asked us politely. After clarifying some misconceptions and prejudices of the countries hit our three companions (all Aussies) suggests a change of location. Since the club went close to a rather unnerving, it instead went to the hotel our guide. There was further discussion and diligently emptied the odd bottle of their mini-bar. The attractive proposal, we could sleep in the open beds, but we rejected generous from and against four clock in the morning we were back in patches.
was then rested before starting to eat after a bite went to Fremantle. Freo, as the Aussies affectionately call should be a small suburb of Perth, who would inevitably remind the visitor to European towns. We planned to spend two days there to visit all the "beautiful" historic building. In the end, reminded us Freo but only one, the identity-less culture of the Australians.
Where but in fact, a twelve-square block, which apparently was once a prison should be visitors. Such buildings are here in relation actually older, However, far from interesting. The same game in the Shipwreck Museum, which could be reduced to a bit of broken pottery and decayed wood. While we are in a to (rt) for slipped into, we looked at the others still in prison. The Texan-inspired leaders there made his job but grottenschlecht comparable white and when we wanted to sneak away after half of them followed us promptly and the other half of the visitors. Thus Fremantle was generally a flop, but you can not always be lucky and it may still get worse ... What
the following day also clarified promptly. It all started wonderfully, our new car registration was on time arrived, and the visit of the aquarium was worth the money. In addition to the known species, we spotted stingrays and sea dragons (have the critters, the Steve Irwin on his conscience). Then changed the situation. On the way north, some twenty kilometers to the town of Gingin, began to climb our temperature display in the dangerous area. So we stopped the car to see what was going on. A lot, because the cooling water was boiling and we had the car to cool down first. After filling of the cooling water and the acclimatization of the vehicle our trip went on, struck six miles, on into the next parking bay Highway. The same problem and so slow we felt that we probably dealing with something severe. Fortunately for us, there was also a truck driver who watched our engine more accurate. He thought at first that our cooling system was broken, resulting in a broken cylinder head gasket implied, but we found water in the oil, which in turn meant that even an engine failure should be considered. He tried to organize help us, as our digital mobile phones had no reception there. He arranged us a mechanic the next day would have time, but first we had to another site, because of better agreement. So we should still try go to four-mile uphill climb, to spend the night at a farm. But even these four kilometer was lousy, patches no longer able to cope ... and so we were towed at about 11 clock in the evening of the truck driver and a friend to the farm. At speed 70 and total darkness, one can indeed quite differently when towing, but we came at the end, the helpfulness of the Aussies, on to the farm. The mechanic was supposed to be about ten clock in the morning since met, but only about six in the evening a clock ... with the statement the next three weeks he could thus deal with something, at least he called us a tow truck to us to take them to Perth.
$ 260 poorer and two hours later, we reached Perth again. The tow man brought us to a "Highly recommended" factory town where we spent the night next to it. Except for a brief visit to the police, we believed our story, fortunately, this was also relatively relaxed. The factory town, however, was rather less than optimal for our problem, for repairs to engines were not her specialty. So again tow, a few streets away in the next factory town that actually worked to our horror to engine problems.
Since this apparently very rare seems to be, was the medieval town of course completely overcrowded and they'll only be able to say on Tuesday what is actually going on with patches and probably with the repair only towards the end of next week to be ready.
Now it is waiting for us and hope that it will not be too expensive ... otherwise we are fast in an economic total loss. Since no patches that travel only half as much fun, we sit a week now at the Grand Central Hostel set in Perth.
we hope that the next week brings new courage and patches all over as well!
Western Australia Museum
Nuggets: D
New Year!
Fremantle - Cannon
Fremantle - Gasse
Fremantle - prison chapel with Texas Ranger
patches on the highway with heart attack
The city on the Swan River in the far west of Australia, was at our feet. In addition, the year is slowly running out and we still had to make appropriate preparations. So it was that we did the first thing New Year shopping and the day otherwise spent at the campsite. In Perth there were in effect then but not so much to explore, at least not promise as much as its skyline. The Lonely Planet lists in just half a page at once, which offer to Perth in sights added.
The next day we spent so therefore, to work these few lines. We went first into the Art Gallery of Western Australia, which was actually surprised with some beautiful works. In addition to Australian and European art of centuries past, there were also many paintings to admire the Aborigines. After a short break, it went straight on into the Museum of Western Australia. Under this universal name hid a mix of geological and natural history museum. Volcanic rocks, dinosaurs, history of Australia and much more, was clearly prepared and issued. A really good experience, which also happen to be free was. After our cultural thirst was quenched so, could the new year, now (and maybe another thirst * grin *). At 31.12 was so pure in heart the city with a corresponding parking space to get hold of. It should be shaded, the center and absolutely free, as these are several requests at once the same, we were satisfied with the result.
Except for the cost issue has in fact fulfilled all and what's a few dollars in contrast to the ticket prices in Australia? Since New Year begins, but usually not even by 1 clock noon, we wanted before even visiting the Mint.
A Mint is an old mint, nowadays, with exhibitions of the former gold rush lures. Unfortunately, we were a bit late and could therefore only visit the showroom, or view the current gold and silver prices on screens. At least we could keep an eye on a few nuggets and its astronomical prices. Of course there were still hours to the fireworks, so we strolled through the streets and alleys, to finally relax in a park the last time 2006th Back in the car we pulled ourselves just yet, before going on to find the street parties. The first missile exploded, but already, as we wandered aimlessly through the relatively streets. Remedy gives us two girls (one of which even came from Cottbus), giving us a short hand took with them.
Several hundred people on the streets, loud music and lots of police ... so we were arrived. In a strange city it is for two somewhat boring, so we just talked to the next sitting and asked us politely. After clarifying some misconceptions and prejudices of the countries hit our three companions (all Aussies) suggests a change of location. Since the club went close to a rather unnerving, it instead went to the hotel our guide. There was further discussion and diligently emptied the odd bottle of their mini-bar. The attractive proposal, we could sleep in the open beds, but we rejected generous from and against four clock in the morning we were back in patches.
was then rested before starting to eat after a bite went to Fremantle. Freo, as the Aussies affectionately call should be a small suburb of Perth, who would inevitably remind the visitor to European towns. We planned to spend two days there to visit all the "beautiful" historic building. In the end, reminded us Freo but only one, the identity-less culture of the Australians.
Where but in fact, a twelve-square block, which apparently was once a prison should be visitors. Such buildings are here in relation actually older, However, far from interesting. The same game in the Shipwreck Museum, which could be reduced to a bit of broken pottery and decayed wood. While we are in a to (rt) for slipped into, we looked at the others still in prison. The Texan-inspired leaders there made his job but grottenschlecht comparable white and when we wanted to sneak away after half of them followed us promptly and the other half of the visitors. Thus Fremantle was generally a flop, but you can not always be lucky and it may still get worse ... What
the following day also clarified promptly. It all started wonderfully, our new car registration was on time arrived, and the visit of the aquarium was worth the money. In addition to the known species, we spotted stingrays and sea dragons (have the critters, the Steve Irwin on his conscience). Then changed the situation. On the way north, some twenty kilometers to the town of Gingin, began to climb our temperature display in the dangerous area. So we stopped the car to see what was going on. A lot, because the cooling water was boiling and we had the car to cool down first. After filling of the cooling water and the acclimatization of the vehicle our trip went on, struck six miles, on into the next parking bay Highway. The same problem and so slow we felt that we probably dealing with something severe. Fortunately for us, there was also a truck driver who watched our engine more accurate. He thought at first that our cooling system was broken, resulting in a broken cylinder head gasket implied, but we found water in the oil, which in turn meant that even an engine failure should be considered. He tried to organize help us, as our digital mobile phones had no reception there. He arranged us a mechanic the next day would have time, but first we had to another site, because of better agreement. So we should still try go to four-mile uphill climb, to spend the night at a farm. But even these four kilometer was lousy, patches no longer able to cope ... and so we were towed at about 11 clock in the evening of the truck driver and a friend to the farm. At speed 70 and total darkness, one can indeed quite differently when towing, but we came at the end, the helpfulness of the Aussies, on to the farm. The mechanic was supposed to be about ten clock in the morning since met, but only about six in the evening a clock ... with the statement the next three weeks he could thus deal with something, at least he called us a tow truck to us to take them to Perth.
$ 260 poorer and two hours later, we reached Perth again. The tow man brought us to a "Highly recommended" factory town where we spent the night next to it. Except for a brief visit to the police, we believed our story, fortunately, this was also relatively relaxed. The factory town, however, was rather less than optimal for our problem, for repairs to engines were not her specialty. So again tow, a few streets away in the next factory town that actually worked to our horror to engine problems.
Since this apparently very rare seems to be, was the medieval town of course completely overcrowded and they'll only be able to say on Tuesday what is actually going on with patches and probably with the repair only towards the end of next week to be ready.
Now it is waiting for us and hope that it will not be too expensive ... otherwise we are fast in an economic total loss. Since no patches that travel only half as much fun, we sit a week now at the Grand Central Hostel set in Perth.
we hope that the next week brings new courage and patches all over as well!
Western Australia Museum
Nuggets: D
New Year!
Fremantle - Cannon
Fremantle - Gasse
Fremantle - prison chapel with Texas Ranger
patches on the highway with heart attack
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